EOTAS Matters SEND Review Consultation Response, July 2022
In March 2022, the Government published "SEND Review: Right support, Right place, Right time" - a consultation document which outlined proposals to reform the SEND System. The public were invited to feed back on the Consultation by 22 July 2022.
EOTAS Matters decided to undertake some research in order to inform their response to the consultation. The purpose was to capture and highlight the voices, wishes and concerns of families of children and young people with barriers to attendance who may need a bespoke package of EOTAS.
We held focus groups, gathered views from our online community (which has 5500 members) and circulated an online survey, which is still open but currently has over 260 responses.
Our consultation response includes some of the findings of our research and features testimonials and case studies from EOTAS families. Our work continues and we are liaising with partner organisations, MPs and decision-makers. Our consultation response has now been made public. We hope that families will find it useful. It can be shared by families with their own MP or with other stakeholders.
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